Sunday, April 25, 2010

Settlers...some of the worst people on earth

Today some Israeli settlers in the East Jerusalem decided to hold a march and instigated clashes with the Palestinians living there (which by the way is Palestinian territory according to UN documents). The settlers were demanding that Palestinian homes be demolished to make way for Israeli construction.

The group that I can compare the settlers to here in America is the KKK. I mean, demanding homes be demolished and people being imprisoned and killed...sounds like something the KKK would have said about black people here in America. The fact that this is a normal thing in Israel speaks volumes to the state of their society at this moment and why peace is not close in the near future...

Someone in Lebanon has it right...

Today in Lebanon there was a protest by a few thousand people in support of a secular political system. I must say that I 100% agree with this position. Sectarian tensions have virtually destroyed Lebanon. Before the civil war in 1975, Lebanon was the envoy of the Middle East; Beirut was called the "Paris of the Middle East" and only 3 Lebanese Lira made up a US dollar. As for post war, Beirut is a city in ruins with a few nice spots sprinkled in while the dollar is no worth 1500 Lebanese Lira. Downtown Beirut used to be a marvel of Lebanese culture and architecture, now, while still worth visiting, it is full with Duncan Donuts, TGIF, and other conveniently American staples. Anything Lebanese there is full with rich Arabs and has a $50 cover charge per person attached to it just to sit down (ok fine that last one is my own personal grip).

The current system allows this to continue since the people in the government are never qualified for the positions they're given and always vote based on party/sectarian lines. (not to different from the US system actually!) A lack of new ideas, mutual agreement, and care is suffocating the country; not to mention corruption as well is prevalent in our government. All this leads to talking about who killed Hariri 5 years ago rather then how to get electricity to everyone in Lebanon.

If Lebanon is ever to get back what it was back then, sectarian tensions must end and the government and parliament must be fulled with qualified individuals to lead the country out of the depths of debt and debris and into peace and prosperity.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

SEC porn watching

So if the SEC watches porn, is it possible the FCC does to? Does this mean I can write ANYTHING on this blog and it will work? Just curious...