Thursday, March 19, 2009

Long overdue but...

I have to talk about the AIG bonus scandal. Personally, I am just as outraged as most people are by the greed of the executives at AIG. But I am also disturbed by the idiocy of the government for allowing this in the writing of the stimulus package. I am also shocked by the suggestion of some that they have to do this to keep the "best and brightest talent." Really? They're so bright that they got AIG into the mess that their in. With all the buisness majors in college at the moment I'm sure AIG can find some "bright" talent to rectify their company, its not like the guys they have now are goods of investments...

Unfortunatly AIG is not the only retarted company here, many of the companies who have recieved federal funds have given huge bonuses to their executives while people suffer at home because of their stupidity. This bailout money needs to have much tighter regulations. In fact, the whole problem with the economy was started by silly deregulation which allowed for reckless investemnts and stupid/unsafe buisness decisions. Lets fix this core problem...

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