Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Activism...not in the Israeli agenda

"A small boat, damaged as it tried to break the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip, has arrived in the Lebanese port of Tyre. The Dignity started taking on water after it was hit by an Israeli naval vessel as it approached the Israeli coast with its cargo of medical aid."

Israel doesn't approve of such things like medical aid for the injured...

Monday, December 29, 2008

More American/Israeli lies...

"Ehud Barak, Israel's defence minister, who has already said his government does not want another ceasefire with Hamas, said his army was fighting a "war to the bitter end". Israel declared the border area around Gaza a closed military zone which, together with preparations for a call-up of thousands of reservists, could suggest a large ground invasion is planned next. Barak said the military campaign would be "widened and deepened as needed".

The number of civilians killed in the fighting continued to rise. The UN Relief and Works Agency, which supports Palestinian refugees and has large programmes in Gaza, said it believed at least 57 civilians were among the dead, but said that was a conservative estimate. The overall number of injured is thought to be as high as 1,400, although Gazan hospitals are so overcrowded and short of medicine and equipment that they are turning away all but the most seriously wounded."

So if Israel doesn't want a ceasefire, then how does the US blame Hamas for the violence? Something is seriously wrong here...

More Hamas targets...

A man putting out a fire at a medicine warehouse after Israel bombed a nearby fuel tanker. How is this a Hamas target again? Someone please explain to me...

A great article by a great man

Unlike the idiot Harold Evans, Robert Fisk gives a great editorial about the crisis in Gaza about the history of Gaza which the western media refuses to report and the corruption of both the Arab and Israeli leaders, all players in this conflict are to blame, Hamas and Fatah included, the Palestinians deserve better, they are the victims in all of this.

Something that pisses me off...

Today at the dentist office I had the displeasure of reading a disturbing article while in the waiting room. In the latest edition of US News and World Report they had a silly and racist editorial in the back of the magazine about Palestinian kids written Harold Evans. This article (which I found online) tries to make the point that Palestinians are teaching their kids hatred for Israel in schools and that this will lead to no peace.

First of all Evans, no one in Palestine, especially in Gaza, need to be taught hatred for Israel, kids or not kids, they see it around them all the time. An Israeli soldier abducting a kid's father will do more to shape his opinion of Israel then any textbook or teacher ever can or will.

Second, Evans refuses in this article to talk about the painful memory of Al-Nakba (the catastrophe) of 1948 and the countless Palestinians still unable to return to their homeland and the continued Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. After all of that, does he not expect Palestinians to get ready to fight back? What does Evans expect? Just for an entire population of people to roll over and play dead? That's not going to happen.

Third, Evans claims that Israel is better, he refuses to note that it is a well known fact that Arab-Israelis and even African Jews in Israel are treated like crap. And Israeli children as well are brought up to be hateful and racist towards Palestinians, here is some prof of that from an Israeli newspaper (third paragraph). If this article was written from the other point of would have caused a ruckus in the American media, if its racist towards one cares.

Clearly, Evans is completely out of touch with reality, needs to check his facts, and is clearly not very intelligent if this is what he truly believes. For crying out loud, he blamed Mahmoud Abbas for all of that, Abbas has been an American puppet ever since he has been involved in the government, it made me laugh when Evans claimed that Israel wants a leader in Palestine who cares about his/her people, anyone who knows anything about the middle east knows this is bull****. Mr. Evans, you are a moron, and you need to actually learn about what your writing about, plain and simple.

Update on a dyre situation

"With the Israeli assault entering its fourth straight day on Tuesday, at least 350 people have been killed, many of them civilians, and local hospitals have warned they are unable to cope with any more casualties."

How much longer can the world sit back and let this go?

NFL Playoffs

So now with the playoff picture in the NFL set, its time to make some predictions:

AFC: round 1: My Ravens are hot and improving, that's enough for them to beat the feel-good dolphins. The Chargers are also hot and are maybe the most talented team in the AFC even without Shawne Merriman, they will beat the colts.
round 2: These two top teams are weak, and the wild cards have been doing great in the playoffs over that last few years, so with that, I am calling both wild cards winning, Chargers will beat Steelers and My beloved Ravens and Joe Flacco will beat the Titans (I know we lost earlier this year to them but we're a much better team now then we were before, and the titans seem to have come back down to earth).
round 3: As much as it hurts me to say it, in my senerio, I think the Chargers would beat my Ravens and go to the Super Bowl.

NFC: round 1: The feel good Falcons will kill the struggling Cardinals, their offense is great but the falcons are for real, and will win. The Eagles are comming in hot and McNabb is the man, as long as Andy Ried (who is the most overrated head coach in the league) doesn't screw it up, the eagles will beat the Vikings pretty easily.
round 2: As good as the Falcons have been this year, the Giants are experienced and savy and will give Matt Ryan and the Falcons fits as they cruise to victory. The Panthers have everything you look for in a championship team, a running game, a good defense, and a passing game that can get the job done, and a great coaching staff. They have no weaknesses, so while it won't be easy, they will beat the Eagles and move to the next round.
round 3: Although both teams are really good, I think that the Giants will ultimatly miss Plaxico Burress and it will catch up with them in this game. The Panthers are too good, and they will win this matchup inspite of what happend in the regular season.

Super Bowl pick: The two conferences are opposite this year. The AFC is bottom heavy, where I think whoever wins the Chargers-Colts matchup will get to the Super Bowl. The NFC however is going to come down to those two top teams with the Eagles the only real challenger. I think the Giants and Panthers are too good though, and one of them will ultimatly get to the Super Bowl.

That being said, I do belive it will be Chargers vs. Panthers and the Panthers will win because their running game is too good and they don't have any weaknesses that the Chargers can exploit. If the Giants end up getting here, they also would beat whoever comes out of the AFC.

What I want to see: Ofcourse, I would like to see my Ravens make it here, but it would be especially nice if they were playing the Falcons. Imagine the headlines, rookie head coaches and rookie quarterbacks going up against eachother would be GREAT to see. Plus, I'm interested to see if a dogfight will be the halftime fitting would that be? Also, is it just me or does Mike Smith look like a slightly younger John McCain? Will he start off his halftime and/or pregame speach to his team with "My friends..."? Just imagine the possibilities...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Israeli escalation of terrorism

"Israel's cabinet approved a call-up of reservists today, as its military continued attacking Gaza, destroying the main security headquarters after killing more than 280 Palestinians in a first round of strikes yesterday."

So not only will they kill through the air, there going to kill by ground...stay tuned


I'm sure he was signaling for some kind of rocket to be launched...

The proof

Proof that Arab governments opinions do NOT represent the opinions of their people

He's Right

Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, is right, the arab regiems are partners in this.

I cant belive I voted for him...

"But David Axelrod, appearing on CBS's Face the Nation, did reaffirm Obama's commitment to the "special relationship between the United States and Israel" in a way that suggested general sympathy for the Jewish state's actions."

Someone remind me at the next elections that all politicians are the same and they all love Israel...

Lies of a terrorist state

"While Barak was working out the final details with the officers responsible for the operation, Livni went to Cairo to inform Egypt's president, Hosni Mubarak, that Israel had decided to strike at Hamas. In parallel, Israel continued to send out disinformation in announcing it would open the crossings to the Gaza Strip and that Olmert would decide whether to launch the strike following three more deliberations on Sunday - one day after the actual order to launch the operation was issued."

Doesn't get worse then that.

More Massacres...

"Israeli aircraft have bombed the length of the Gaza-Egypt border, taking out tunnels used to smuggle in vital goods to the besieged strip."

It is pure comedy to see Israel and their puppets like Mahmoud Abbas and Housni Mubarak try and justify their war crimes. 292 dead in 2 days IS a massacre.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Stupid American Government....

"US urges Hamas to cease rocket attacks on Israel"

Oh because Hamas rockets killed 200 people right? Am I missing something here?

Not to be forgoten...

"At least 20 people have been killed and dozens more wounded by a bomb that exploded among a crowd in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, security officials say."

What an amazing job the troop surge did...the fact that Obama is keeping Robert Gates and bringing in Hilary Clinton says that his administration is going to be no different then then Bush's.

A very useless league...

"The Arab League will hold summit in Doha on January 2 to discuss the latest violence in the Gaza Strip, Arab diplomats have said."

The last time the Arab League did anything important...I wasn't born.

Would be a travesty....

If Mahmoud Abbas continues any relations with Israel

Israeli terrorism continues

"Israeli warplanes have resumed their air strikes on Gaza, blasting targets all over the Strip, including a mosque and a TV station....Palestinians counted about 20 airstrikes in the first hours of Sunday."

Does this sound like a country looking for peace?


The worst Arabs in the world are the ones sitting in government positions across the Middle East. Unfortunately for us, they prefer to sit back and cheer on Israeli massacres then stand up and say what their people say. The reason? Israel protects these governments and forces them to stay in line for American oil profit. This, is the very reason America keeps Israel alive and in its back pocket in the form of "monetary aid" (money) and weapons.

American Propaganda

"Israeli warplanes launched airstrikes Saturday throughout the Gaza Strip in retaliation for rockets fired into Israel from the Hamas-ruled territory, killing at least 205 Palestinians and wounding more than 350, Palestinian health officials reported."

American media is completely slanted towards Israel. First of all, in the first paragraph of this article, the author must mention that this was "in retaliation" to something. What is that something? Rocket fire which as killed one person in the last month? And why must they mention in this first paragraph that it is Hamas-ruled territory? Its not like Israel wasn't killing Arabs before Hamas. Whats worse in this article is that there was no mention at all to the blockade that Israel has had on Gaza for months. How can you claim to be balanced and not even mention that? And why in the third paragraph do they mention Palestinian retaliation rockets without using the word retaliation? And did you notice that they tell us that the rockets killed a resident in a specific town? Why didn't they tell us where exactly Israel hit? Is it because they hit too many towns? Or is it because they have already dehumanized the Palestinians in the Washington Post and other American media outlets that they don't even come from towns anymore? It is pathetic that this comes from one of the most popular and biggest newspapers in the country.

Hitting terrorist targets I'm sure.

Israeli attempts at propaganda and the truth

"Israel yesterday reopened crossings into the Gaza Strip, allowing in humanitarian aid after an eight-day closure, in what has been seen as an attempt to pre-empt international criticism ahead of today's attacks."

"The raids had been expected to begin tomorrow, and the fact that they took place mid-morning rather than at night meant many official buildings and schools were full. Some of the missiles struck densely populated areas as children were leaving school. Parents rushed into the streets to search for them. Television footage from Gaza showed bodies scattered on a road and the dead and wounded being carried away. Civilians rushed to the targeted areas and tried to move the wounded in their cars to hospitals."

I can't believe I voted for this shell of a man

""...The Security Council should clearly and unequivocally condemn the rocket attacks… If it cannot bring itself to make these common sense points, I urge you to ensure that it does not speak at all.""

This is not what I had in mind when I voted for Barack Obama, I thought he was different, I thought he was going to bring change, I guess not, he is a Zionist fanatic like everyone president before him since 1948.

White House Hypocrisy

"The White House put responsibility for ending the violence on the conduct of Hamas, the Palestinian group which controls the Gaza Strip and which the United States considers a terrorist organization."

How can Hamas end the violence? Israel's version of a truce is kill Palestinians with a blockade which doesn't allow food or medicine into Gaza. Are Palestinians supposed to simply take this? I guess little rockets which don't harm anyone equal a massacre.

IOF (Israeli Offensive Forces)

"US-supplied Israeli F-16 warplanes and Apache helicopters dropped over 100 bombs on dozens of locations in the Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip killing at least 195 persons and injuring hundreds more. Many of these locations were police stations located, like police stations the world over, in the middle of civilian areas. The US government was one of the first to offer its support for Israel's attacks, and others will follow."

Terrorists targets right?

A Massacre to report

Today, Israel has killed 195 in the Gaza strip and left 300 injured. Outraged? I am. This is the type of thing that a country that claims it wants peace does. Israel is a terrorist state, plan and simple. You CANNOT tell me that they were going after "Hamas targets". What Hamas targets? Ministries of a government which maintain law and order cannot be considered terrorist targets. When you kill 195 people in one day, that means you are the terrorist, not the other.

I've been

So as I have recently discovered, I've been quoted on the internet by a legit newspaper, my rant on Mccain on election day starts on the second paragraph.

I do now however regret voting for Obama or Mccain.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Just when you think life is good...

I overran my friend's driveway while giving him a ride home, tried to turn into his driveway and forgot that there was fire hydrant in a ditch right beside the driveway, so, as you can guess, I hit the hydrant and screwed up the left side of my bumper and got my car stuck in the god damn ditch! Thanks to the wonderful minds of my friends Holden and Gabin, we were able to get the car out of the the ditch, now its a matter of getting a new bumper and not getting screwed by a body shop and/or Allstate!

Forgotten People

Remember what happened four years ago in Indonesia? This makes 9-11 look like a car accident.

Where is the bailout going?

So where is the bailout money going? And how is it being spent? Here it is as of a month ago, This article talks about the money that has been invested in banks, and financial institutions has mostly been simply handed to executives, this is what happens when ignorant congressmen pass a blank check to untrustworthy and incompetent businesses with no strings attached. I'll try to find something a little more recent.

My Christmas...full of NBA delight

So as I understand, most families on Christmas day open presents, spend time together, and have a nice home cooked meal. Well, in a non religious family, such as my own, Christmas is more like my parents waking me up to say bye and proceeding to the Bahamas!

So the result is that my Christmas was spent watching basketball all day...and it was great! The magic proved to me that they are for real, both the suns and the spurs proved to me that they are not dead and that both teams are going to pose challenges to whomever they play in the playoffs, and the blazers showed that they are getting better and better by the game, the mavericks on the the other hand, although they won, I was not impressed by the way they played, Jason Kidd can no longer all and Josh Howard can't keep his head on straight. The only hope they have is Dirk Nowitzki, who is still one of the best players in the world, and Coach Rick Carlisle, who always seems to find a way to win no matter who's on his roster. If only he was still coaching my pacers...

But the most important thing I learned yesterday is that the Celtics and the Lakers are by far the best teams in the league. Cleavland is up there but they should be able to blow out a team like the wizards. But the Celtics-Lakers game was amazing, both teams played great and showed that they have more talent then anyone else out there. All in all, it was a great Christmas, thank you NBA!

Israel to Hamas: Enough is Enough

So the Zionist entity yesterday said that they are preparing for a big time invasion of Gaza if the rocket fire from Gaza doesn't stop. So let me get this straight, Israel is allowed to maintain a crippling blockade which has forced the 1.5 million citizens of Gaza to live without electricity, health care, and any other luxuries and/or necessities that people need in the 21st century for MONTHS and yet a few rockets which have not injured anyone is suddenly justification for a military operation in Gaza? It's always interesting to see how hypocritical an entire government can be. So what do I and most Arabs have to say to Israel? Enough is Enough.