Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Obama Speech

So listening to Obama's speech today, it was nothing special. A lot of nationalistic garbage and "interesting" foreign policy stuff. Apparently, the entire middle east has become "Israel and here neighbors", I guess everyone else is completely unimportant. Also about his economic plan, details anyone? I must say, I like so far what he has done with the economic stimulus and the pending housing market fix and the better bank bailout, but some details and less repetivness would have been nice to hear. Also, if you want to bring peace to the Middle East, it's going to take a lot more then someone like George Mitchell who knows nothing about the region, you're going to have to be fair to both sides, something that Obama so far has seemed unwilling to do.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jerusalem wars...

"More than 1,500 Palestinians living in East Jerusalem could be made homeless after Israel told them their homes are illegal and are to be demolished."

So now Israel wants to affirm the fact that they want the entire Jerusalem as its capital in any peace deal, they're willing to put people on the street just to get it. Who's really the terrorist?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My response to Zionists

Here's a comment I posted on the Pitt news article talking about what happened at the SGB meeting. Some zionists decided to be pro Israeli so here's my response:

Maybe if the Palestinians didn't live like dogs in the own land
Maybe if there weren't repeated Geneva conventions violations such as restriction of movement and lack of access to basic living needs
Maybe if you didn't have a government who claims to want peace one day, then approves new settlements and/or bombs the heck out of Gaza the next day
Maybe if right of return was allowed
Maybe if Arab-Israelis could actually not be discriminated against and make a decent life in Israel

Sure the Arab-Israelis on paper have equal rights, but they can't get good jobs, and every time a "real Israeli" wants their land...its becomes there's. Why is it that settlers who kill Palestinians are never prosecuted?

You talk about the Arabs in the Israeli government as if their positions actually mean or affect anything, name one Arab in a position of power in the Israeli government, and no getting Livni's coffee for her doesn't count.

You talk about having Jews in an Arab government post as if there are any Jews left in Arab countries...or as if the real citizens of those countries can actually get in the government without massive globs of money and/or weapons. If you knew anything about these countries' governments you would have known that.

You talk about suicide bombs or shooting rockets as if 1400 in Gaza dead in 3 weeks, or the crippling blockade of Gaza is nothing to worry about. Let me remind you that the Palestinians are being occupied, and they don't have F-16, in case you forgot.

You talk about a government which says death to Israel as if people in the Israeli government don't say racist and inflammatory remarks about the Palestinians every day. Someone said I should feel sorry for Ariel Sharon for example, no, I don't feel bad for someone who killed 2,000 Palestinians in one night in Lebanon.

All this and you're surprised that there is hatred towards Israel? Get real. Realize that Israel was founded on the principle of killing and it holds on to that today, look at the death figures, that can tell you the whole story on its own.

So looking at all this, I would have to say it is apartheid, a group on top abusing the race/group of people below it. Now, when I say death to Israel, I don't mean death to Jews or people who were born there, they can live there with us like ordinary people. When I say death to Israel, I mean death to the unbearable, inexcusable, racist, and genocidal Zionist agenda. So here I go, DEATH TO ISRAEL!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A small victory

So yesterday Panthers 4 Israel tried to stop us, Students for Justice in Palestine, from using Student Government Board funds to bring Ali Abunimah, the founder of Electronic Intifada, to Pitt to speak. We argued back in forth in front of the board but in the end we prevailed and got almost all the money we asked for! A small victory for us! I will post on here to tell everyone when exactly he's speaking.

Housing Idea

I'm a little bit skeptical about the housing bill. $75 billion sounds like a good number, but here's the issue: the idea of pumping money into firms like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sounds good on paper, but not everyone uses Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, although the government essentially controls these 2 firms, they must make sure the money is being used for its intended purpose and not being put in the pockets of rich CEO's. Also, what about people not with Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac? We need to do something for them.

With all that being said, I think both this and the stimulus plan are steps in the right direction for getting this economy back on track.


Lets hope this is actually true for all of our sakes...

Monday, February 16, 2009

More from the hypocracy department

"Israel has taken control of a large area near a prominent settlement in the Palestinian West Bank, paving the way for a possible construction of 2,500 settlement homes, officials have said."

How does Israel expect to create peace of they're expanding settlements? Israel is by far the most hypocritical state in the world. You can't take over someone else's territory and then tell them they should agree to your peace deal. This is like someone stealing your lunch and then asking you to pay them, would you do that?

Chavez Wins!

"Venezuela's president [Hugo Chavez] has won a referendum to scrap term limits for elected officials, allowing him to seek re-election indefinitely."

This is a great victory for all who believe in democracy and resisting the superpowers of the world. Ever since he was voted president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez has been a symbol for oppressed people all over the world. He sparked the new socialist revolutions all over South America and has a very loyal following, including myself. May he stay in power until he is completely unable to rule!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Time to get stimulated...

A summery of the stimulus package

Puppets striking back

"Hamid Karzai, the Afghan president, has admitted that there is tension between his government and the new US administration."

If civilian killings continue, which they surly will, Karzai has every right to be mad...later in this article it states that the west sees him as part of the problem now because of corruption. It's funny how the US was willing to let this go for years, but all of a sudden have a problem with it when Karzai speaks out against them...rather funny!


Donald Trump fired himself from his own casino...I find that to be halarious!

Congrads...I think...

"In a major victory for President Barack Obama, Democrats muscled a huge, $787 billion stimulus bill to the brink of final passage Friday night in hopes of combating the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Republican opposition was nearly unanimous."

Good job Obama, I almost fully support this plan...except for 1 thing...

"In a bow to political reality, lawmakers included $70 billion to shelter upper middle-class and wealthier taxpayers from an income tax increase that would otherwise hit them, a provision that the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said would do relatively little to create jobs."

Obama, I think your rich friends will be fine, they don't need 70 billion. And republicans, how is this acceptable and yet you were nit picking on things such as funding for states and money to modernize health records? Both parties are guilty of dirty politics with this kind of provision...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

4 day hiatus

Sorry for not blogging the last few days, been extremely busy with tests and stuff...back on it...

"Millions of workers would soon see an extra $13 in their weekly paychecks and thousands of small businesses operating in the red could get tax refunds under the economic recovery bill nearing completion in Congress."

cool...so I'm are my parents getting a tax break?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Not so innocent Hamas

For all the grief that I give Israel, albeit deserved, I have to make it clear that Hamas is not at all innocent in the situation. For example, this article talks about how Hamas is being accused of killing and torturing people who were suspected of being Israeli collaborators during the recent massacre. Now, granted, those who really did collaborate with Israel are guilty of treason and deserve everything they get. However, everyone should have the right to a fair and just trial, regardless of the charge. Hamas rules like a militant group, if they want to be a military group, they should not be in the government. It has become more and more apparent to me, you have to either be a resistance group, or govern, you can't do both.

Friday, February 6, 2009

No More mr. Nice Guy!

"A fired-up Barack Obama ditched his TelePrompter to rally House Democrats and rip Republican opponents of his recovery package Thursday night – at one point openly mocking the GOP for failing to follow through on promises of bipartisanship."

Obama needed to do this to get the republicans to wake up and stop being idiots.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Not very surprising

"Hamas negotiators left Egypt without a long-term cease-fire with Israel on Thursday — but not before some members of the militant group's delegation were stopped at the Gaza border carrying millions in cash."

It is funny how American media finds this to be surprising, what are they supposed to do if there is a blockade and no money or resources are getting in? Someone explain to me without sounding stupid.

A not so succesful war

"As a sign of continued instability, a suicide bomber blew himself up Thursday inside a crowded restaurant in the disputed Kurdish city of Khanaqin near the Iranian border, killing at least 12 people, Iraqi officials said.

Kurdish and police officials who gave the casualty toll said most of the victims were Kurds lunching at the popular Abu Dalshad restaurant. Police chief Col. Azad Eisa said 12 other people were wounded in the attack."

Iraq will never be Iraq again until the US finally leaves and the people can decide their own fate. The US caused the instability, but the US can't fix it, we need an international force of countries NOT involved in the initial invasion to watch over the country and help things get back to normal.

Same Old Senators

"Despite Obama’s sky high personal approval ratings, polls show support has declined for his stimulus bill since Republicans and their conservative talk-radio allies began railing against what they labeled as pork barrel spending within it. "

These republican senators need to wake up before its too late. Do they not see what is going on outside their comfortable surroundings in DC? I want some of these guys to go down to southeast DC and explain to those families that they can't approve the stimulus bill because of "pork barrel" spending. What pork barrel spending? Can we get some examples please (other then the contraceptive thing)? Some are saying they want to take out the provision that calls for computerizing medical records. Why? Think about it, anyone who knows how to use an excel page, people to communicate with the hospitals, doctors/nurses to make sense of those records, and many others. Not to mention, this is a necessary thing to do if we are ever going to revamp our health care system to be significantly better then that of Slovenia. Every single person who looses their job or dies in a hospital because that hospital didn't have that person's records should rest on the conscience of these idiot senators.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sillyness on many levels

"A U.N. aid agency accused Hamas policemen on Wednesday of seizing hundreds of food parcels and thousands of blankets it had planned to distribute to 500 families in a Palestinian refugee camp in the Gaza Strip.
Hamas Welfare Minister Ahmed al-Kurd denied the accusation, in a burgeoning dispute that could affect the delivery of essential aid in the Hamas-ruled territory hard-hit by Israel's recent 22-day offensive."

Later in the article it states that UNRWA, which is giving the aid, is allowing people from Fatah, who have no ability or morals to help the people of Gaza, to be on the aid roster, but it would not allow anyone from Hamas to be on the roster. This is clearly because of political pressure from the powers that be. I would think Hamas, the ones who run the government in Gaza, would be the ones who would know how best to spread the aid around to the ones who need it the most. With that being said, if the aid was truly being spread to those who needed it, then this is a somewhat selfish move on Hamas' part because that would mean that they care more about putting their name on the aid then the aid actually getting to the people who need it as soon as possible. From selfishness to idiocy it is clear once again that the people of Gaza are on their own.

Silly Elections

"Benyamin Netanyahu, widely tipped to become Israel's prime minister after elections next week, has vowed to topple the Hamas movement in Gaza, calling the Palestinian group an "Iranian proxy"."

Wait, didn't the outgoing Israeli government try to wipe out Hamas from Gaza? If you kill 1300 civilians in the matter of a few weeks, then the only place to go from there is to destroy all of Gaza, killing all 1.2 million people living in that little 14-mile long place. I can't believe the Israeli public would vote for this guy, this would be like if Americans voted for the leader of the KKK for president. The Israeli public is becoming almost as guilty as the terrorist government that deserves eternal pain and suffering.

A Good Thing...

"Barack Obama, the US president, has said his government will impose a salary cap of $500,000 for senior executives at companies receiving federal economic bailout funds."

This is definitely a good idea, if they covered all the loopholes, this will help to ensure that these idiotic corporation use bailout money in the correct way.

Monday, February 2, 2009


So I went rioting last night after the Steelers game, didn't chant anything, but merely observed. To be honest, it was beautiful in the fact that I have never seen so much unity for one thing before. It was silly in the fact that it was over...a football game. I have to wonder, if Obama tomorrow issues an order to ban freedom of speech, would anyone riot?

Extending Barack's wishes...

"Pakistan's prime minister has pledged to restore peace to the country's troubled Swat valley where Al Jazeera has found Taliban fighters to be firmly in control."

I'm sure Barack Obama will be pleased...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super bowl wins

So today, the supper bowl is a win-win for me. If the Cardinals win, then I can laugh at all the silly Steeler fans and show them how I felt 2 weeks ago, if the Steelers win, I can go riot in the streets and hopefully get school off on Monday! So either way I'm getting something out of it, would have been better if my Ravens won though!

Family Matters...

"George Obama, 26, was arrested yesterday for possession of marijuana, after allegedly being caught with a single joint of "bhang" near his home in a Nairobi slum. There was no suggestion that Obama was trying to deal in the drug but, according to Joshua Omokulongolo, the area police chief, rules are rules. "He is not a drug peddler," said Omokulongolo, "But it's illegal, it's a banned substance.""

Well, things happen, one would need that joint after having to live in the ghetto with no help from your rich brother...

Silly Britts

"Half of British adults do not believe in evolution, with at least 22% preferring the theories of creationism or intelligent design to explain how the world came about, according to a survey."

So where did their brains go?

Not Possible

"Vote counting is under way after millions of Iraqis cast ballots in regional elections in the second major poll since the fall of Saddam Hussein in April 2003."

I've been trying to figure out a way to call this significant, but I can't see it, not at all actually.

More Stunts

"Ehud Olmert, Israel's prime minister, has vowed his country will deliver a "severe and disproportionate response" after Palestinian fighters fired rockets into southern Israel."

We as Palestinians vow to deliver a destructive blow to Israel, by force or otherwise...