Thursday, February 19, 2009

My response to Zionists

Here's a comment I posted on the Pitt news article talking about what happened at the SGB meeting. Some zionists decided to be pro Israeli so here's my response:

Maybe if the Palestinians didn't live like dogs in the own land
Maybe if there weren't repeated Geneva conventions violations such as restriction of movement and lack of access to basic living needs
Maybe if you didn't have a government who claims to want peace one day, then approves new settlements and/or bombs the heck out of Gaza the next day
Maybe if right of return was allowed
Maybe if Arab-Israelis could actually not be discriminated against and make a decent life in Israel

Sure the Arab-Israelis on paper have equal rights, but they can't get good jobs, and every time a "real Israeli" wants their land...its becomes there's. Why is it that settlers who kill Palestinians are never prosecuted?

You talk about the Arabs in the Israeli government as if their positions actually mean or affect anything, name one Arab in a position of power in the Israeli government, and no getting Livni's coffee for her doesn't count.

You talk about having Jews in an Arab government post as if there are any Jews left in Arab countries...or as if the real citizens of those countries can actually get in the government without massive globs of money and/or weapons. If you knew anything about these countries' governments you would have known that.

You talk about suicide bombs or shooting rockets as if 1400 in Gaza dead in 3 weeks, or the crippling blockade of Gaza is nothing to worry about. Let me remind you that the Palestinians are being occupied, and they don't have F-16, in case you forgot.

You talk about a government which says death to Israel as if people in the Israeli government don't say racist and inflammatory remarks about the Palestinians every day. Someone said I should feel sorry for Ariel Sharon for example, no, I don't feel bad for someone who killed 2,000 Palestinians in one night in Lebanon.

All this and you're surprised that there is hatred towards Israel? Get real. Realize that Israel was founded on the principle of killing and it holds on to that today, look at the death figures, that can tell you the whole story on its own.

So looking at all this, I would have to say it is apartheid, a group on top abusing the race/group of people below it. Now, when I say death to Israel, I don't mean death to Jews or people who were born there, they can live there with us like ordinary people. When I say death to Israel, I mean death to the unbearable, inexcusable, racist, and genocidal Zionist agenda. So here I go, DEATH TO ISRAEL!

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