Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sillyness on many levels

"A U.N. aid agency accused Hamas policemen on Wednesday of seizing hundreds of food parcels and thousands of blankets it had planned to distribute to 500 families in a Palestinian refugee camp in the Gaza Strip.
Hamas Welfare Minister Ahmed al-Kurd denied the accusation, in a burgeoning dispute that could affect the delivery of essential aid in the Hamas-ruled territory hard-hit by Israel's recent 22-day offensive."

Later in the article it states that UNRWA, which is giving the aid, is allowing people from Fatah, who have no ability or morals to help the people of Gaza, to be on the aid roster, but it would not allow anyone from Hamas to be on the roster. This is clearly because of political pressure from the powers that be. I would think Hamas, the ones who run the government in Gaza, would be the ones who would know how best to spread the aid around to the ones who need it the most. With that being said, if the aid was truly being spread to those who needed it, then this is a somewhat selfish move on Hamas' part because that would mean that they care more about putting their name on the aid then the aid actually getting to the people who need it as soon as possible. From selfishness to idiocy it is clear once again that the people of Gaza are on their own.

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