Friday, June 5, 2009

More stupid American presidents...

"Invoking the Quran and his rarely used middle name, Barack Hussein Obama declared Thursday that America has a common cause with Islam and never will be at war with the faith — an overture intently watched by the Muslim world and welcomed in unlikely quarters. An Iranian cleric called the president's speech "an initial step for removing misconceptions.""

Why does the white house think that it is a privilege to be allies with them? I mean, Obama is "extending a hand to Muslims" but does he really think support for Israel and a war in Iraq not matter? I mean he wants Muslims to "help combat extremism" what extremism? Hamas? Hezbollah? Is that who he's refering to? I can guarantee this, if US support for Israel continues (which I'm sure will), then support for resistance groups like Hamas and Hezbollah will continue. Do they expect people in Lebanon and Palestine in particular to get attaked and not support their respective resistance group? If the white house trully belive this, then they are delusional.

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