Sunday, June 14, 2009

A speach by a racist

So I just read about israeli prime zionist netanyahu's speech on Palestinian policy. I have to wonder, how is it possible to have an independent "demilitarized" state? The AP tried to spin this to say how "wonderful" it is that netanyahu would have the decency in him to support a two state solution...what a hero! I mean, it's so ground breaking to have someone support a two state solution! (Sarcasm of course). The truth about this is that Israel simply wants to justify what they are doing in Palestine by calling its current position a "state." I mean, how could a state that can't defend itself be considered a truly independent state? By creating a demilitarized Palestinian state (pretty much calling current Palestine a "state") Israel can continue their occupation and oppression of the Palestinians with no penalty. If this is really Israel's policy, they are headed for defeat, Palestine will not accept this, no justice, no peace.

1 comment:

  1. you really have to look at this as an improvement from the status quo. although an independent palestinian nation is ideal, a 'demilitarized state' for palestine is better than what is going on now and has gone on in the past.
