Sunday, April 25, 2010

Settlers...some of the worst people on earth

Today some Israeli settlers in the East Jerusalem decided to hold a march and instigated clashes with the Palestinians living there (which by the way is Palestinian territory according to UN documents). The settlers were demanding that Palestinian homes be demolished to make way for Israeli construction.

The group that I can compare the settlers to here in America is the KKK. I mean, demanding homes be demolished and people being imprisoned and killed...sounds like something the KKK would have said about black people here in America. The fact that this is a normal thing in Israel speaks volumes to the state of their society at this moment and why peace is not close in the near future...

Someone in Lebanon has it right...

Today in Lebanon there was a protest by a few thousand people in support of a secular political system. I must say that I 100% agree with this position. Sectarian tensions have virtually destroyed Lebanon. Before the civil war in 1975, Lebanon was the envoy of the Middle East; Beirut was called the "Paris of the Middle East" and only 3 Lebanese Lira made up a US dollar. As for post war, Beirut is a city in ruins with a few nice spots sprinkled in while the dollar is no worth 1500 Lebanese Lira. Downtown Beirut used to be a marvel of Lebanese culture and architecture, now, while still worth visiting, it is full with Duncan Donuts, TGIF, and other conveniently American staples. Anything Lebanese there is full with rich Arabs and has a $50 cover charge per person attached to it just to sit down (ok fine that last one is my own personal grip).

The current system allows this to continue since the people in the government are never qualified for the positions they're given and always vote based on party/sectarian lines. (not to different from the US system actually!) A lack of new ideas, mutual agreement, and care is suffocating the country; not to mention corruption as well is prevalent in our government. All this leads to talking about who killed Hariri 5 years ago rather then how to get electricity to everyone in Lebanon.

If Lebanon is ever to get back what it was back then, sectarian tensions must end and the government and parliament must be fulled with qualified individuals to lead the country out of the depths of debt and debris and into peace and prosperity.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

SEC porn watching

So if the SEC watches porn, is it possible the FCC does to? Does this mean I can write ANYTHING on this blog and it will work? Just curious...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Same ol' Story

So after mildly critisizing Israel the administration now says there is "no rift" in the two countries relations. This was a predictable outcome from the beginning. America loves to act like it is for peace in the region but when push comes to shove they always allow Israel to get away with what it wants even if that desire is against international law (such as building settlements in east jerusalem). Nothing in us-middle east relations is going to change until the money of Israeli lobbies of AIPAC and J-Street dries up.

Friday, February 5, 2010

the Economy Recovering....hardly

I saw a story today saying that the unemployment rate has dropped. Great! Except for the fact emplyors are cutting more jobs and the number of "disgruntled" workers has risen. All this news says is that its so hard for people to find jobs right now that either their unemployment benefits have already run out or they just gave up and stopped looking for work. Don't be fooled with what looks like good news, its not...

Thursday, February 4, 2010


And it did!

A test entry

Just got this new app for my phone, lets see how it is blogging correctly...this will be AWSOME if it works!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Republican Party in a Nutshell

Clearly this guy needs help. Michael Steele, the chariman of the RNC, doesn't know what health care coverage he has. This basically epitimizes the republican knowledge about health care. How much longer are they going to sit there and pretend like health care is not a problem?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Honduras Coup

So today the Honduran army decided it would be a good idea to take out the democratically elected president Manuel Zelaya. From what I understand, he wanted to make changes to the constitution. Though this is always a heated debate, I can't understand how it would lead to a coup without ivolvement from some other nation. Zelaya was set to have a non-binding election on the changes as a way of getting public opinion on the matter, I don't see anything wrong with that, but he was over thrown anyways. This to me smells like involvement from some big country in the region who took the oppertunity to get rid of a socialist president. Might have been the US might not have, all I know is that this is wrong and I stand 100% with the protesters in Honduras. Notice how there has been little coverage of this in American media so far, if this was a protest they support, like say Iran, the front page of every American newspaper. It's selective coverage, made to promote an agenda.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


I feel at this point that I have to say something about Iran as the situation there seems to be winding down now. Here's the thing, while what the government over there was doing was indeed wrong, there are some silly things that the Western media has been doing since this whole thing started. First, they have been calling Mousavi and his people "reformers." One thing that people have to understand about Iran's political system is that the guardian council (a counsel of religious clerks (kooks if you ask me)) weed out the political candidates they don't like and only allow the ones they do like to run in the elections. What this means is that there is virtually no difference in the ideology between Mousavi and Ahmadinajed. In fact, Mousavi, was president of Iran during one of the regimes most oppressive times. Also, the president in Iran is really just a figurehead for the ayatollah. Khomeini is the one that runs the show over there, in reality, whatever he says goes regardless of who the president is because the ayatollah is the supreme leader.

Also I have to wonder, while I do believe the protesters in Iran are brave and have some purpose, why is the western media acting like they support the US or something? First of all, there were many pro-ahmedinajed rallies as well, but they weren't covered for obvious reasons. Second, I heard that many of the protesters didn't even vote, but are taking this opportunity to protest because they're sick of a silly, repressive regime, they are not necessarily however, in favor of a regime that supports the US, all they want is a regime where they're vote actually means something. This view point is not covered in the US media because they still have the naive attitude of "you're either with us or against us." Compare this coverage to the coverage of Palestinians who protest against Israeli occupation. They are looked at as "extremists", or "savages", or "terrorists", or people who are somewhat rogues of what Palestinian opinion actually is. In reality, those protesters are just as brave, if not braver then the protesters in Iran considering that they have tanks, bombs, planes, and settlements coming at them, not just tear gas.

Finally, why is our media acting like we're perfect. We still have racism in our country today, Sean Bell was not all that long ago. I read an article after Obama was elected (by the way, if he didn't talk so "proper", would he have been elected? Clearly it worked for a white guy who was terrible at speaking (Baby Bush).") saying that they were "scared that a black man was president", is that not racism? We have so quickly forget about the fact that we sprayed civil rights protesters with hoses and tear gas and whatever else, I wouldn't be shocked to know that we even shot some of them. We could also go on into the massacres of the Native Americans, the McCarthy era, Japanese concentration camps during WWII (who knows what really happened there?), our own civil war, the fact that blacks and poor people are still subjected to serve in the army ahead of the beneficiaries of those wars. How many innocent people have we killed in Iraq and Afghanistan? How would we feel if we had an internal conflict and another world leader chipped his 2 cents in? Now think about how Iranians must have felt after idiot world leaders (including Obama after pressure from kooky republicans) came out and stuck their nose into stuff that has nothing to do with them. Or does it??

This is the same media which supports even more repressive regimes such as the ones in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt. Again, I'm not condoning what the Iranian regime is doing to their people. People all over the world should have the right to peacefully protest with no interference. But think about how its being covered here and don't let the mainstream media fool you.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A speach by a racist

So I just read about israeli prime zionist netanyahu's speech on Palestinian policy. I have to wonder, how is it possible to have an independent "demilitarized" state? The AP tried to spin this to say how "wonderful" it is that netanyahu would have the decency in him to support a two state solution...what a hero! I mean, it's so ground breaking to have someone support a two state solution! (Sarcasm of course). The truth about this is that Israel simply wants to justify what they are doing in Palestine by calling its current position a "state." I mean, how could a state that can't defend itself be considered a truly independent state? By creating a demilitarized Palestinian state (pretty much calling current Palestine a "state") Israel can continue their occupation and oppression of the Palestinians with no penalty. If this is really Israel's policy, they are headed for defeat, Palestine will not accept this, no justice, no peace.

Friday, June 5, 2009

More stupid American presidents...

"Invoking the Quran and his rarely used middle name, Barack Hussein Obama declared Thursday that America has a common cause with Islam and never will be at war with the faith — an overture intently watched by the Muslim world and welcomed in unlikely quarters. An Iranian cleric called the president's speech "an initial step for removing misconceptions.""

Why does the white house think that it is a privilege to be allies with them? I mean, Obama is "extending a hand to Muslims" but does he really think support for Israel and a war in Iraq not matter? I mean he wants Muslims to "help combat extremism" what extremism? Hamas? Hezbollah? Is that who he's refering to? I can guarantee this, if US support for Israel continues (which I'm sure will), then support for resistance groups like Hamas and Hezbollah will continue. Do they expect people in Lebanon and Palestine in particular to get attaked and not support their respective resistance group? If the white house trully belive this, then they are delusional.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Racism to the fullest

"The Israeli parliament has passed a preliminary reading of a bill that would mandate the imprisonment of anyone who calls for the end of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, according to the Jerusalem Post newspaper."

So let me get this straight, if someone says that Israel should do such a crazy thing such as have a secular state with equal rights for all, then they should get imprisoned? It doesn't get more racist then this...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Rich to be Poor

A great article on Washington DC's poor.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Our fabulous non-democracy

" President Barack Obama declared Wednesday he would try to block the court-ordered release of photos showing U.S. troops abusing prisoners, abruptly reversing his position out of concern the pictures would "further inflame anti-American opinion" and endanger U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan."

This proves there is no democracy in this country. In what kind of democracy can a president block a court-order? The whole point of the judiciary system is to be the decider of right and wrong. If the president can just over ride them, then what's their point? This is a major problem for a country that claims to be a "democracy" and wants to spread this "democracy" across the world.