Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Proof of one thing...

"Veteran Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter told colleagues Tuesday that he switched from the Republican to the Democratic Party, Sen. Harry Reid says."

What this proves is that our two party system is really a one party system. How could a long time republican all of a sudden become a democrat? Could you imagine a long time communist all of a sudden become a capitalist? In other countries, this is the distinction between one party and the other, which is why elections are so important and people bleed over them. Here, the choice is between tangerines and clementines. Both parties are right wing, but one is slightly less then the other. What has changed from the last administration to this one? Other then some housecleaning measures on torture (which is still going on in the Obama administration) and some funding for abortion? Foreign policy is the same and both parties believe in pumping money into a broken financial system to fix it (Not that some money shouldn't be poured in, but we need more regulation then anything else). This is a problem which was made by greed, if it goes unfixed, the US could have some major problems in the future.

Viva Chavez

"Venezuela and the Palestinian Authority have established diplomatic relations."

At least there is one good leader in the world...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Same old, needs to change...

"Two Palestinians have been killed in separate incidents in the West Bank, Israeli army and Palestinian sources have said.

Jewish settlers shot a teenager, alleging that he had tried to attack residents of a West Bank settlement on Friday.

In a separate incident, Israeli troops killed a man who had been protesting against Israel's separation barrier, Palestinians said."

Now how did either of these people deserve to die? Doesn't make any sense. Those settlers kill Palestinians all the time and never get in trouble for it. It's utterly ridiculous.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ofcource not...

"An Israeli foreign ministry spokesperson has confirmed to Al Jazeera that it will not co-operate with a United Nations investigation into alleged war crimes during the 22-day assault on the Gaza Strip."

This is what countries do when they know they were wrong. Israel has always been committing atrocities, it would be nice to see them get punished for it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

What an Effort

"Evo Morales, the Bolivian president, has vowed to continue his hunger strike until opposition politicians pass an electoral bill approving a new constitution and elections."

Morales' opponents say the bill, already partially approved, would give Morales political advantage because it assigns more seats to the poor, indigenous parts of the country."

Morales is an amazing man, not many leaders in this world care about the poor and he is one of the few. His country is behind him and his snobbish opponents, who are US backed, will lose.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

puppet talk

"The Afghan ambassador to the United States has told Al Jazeera that civilian casualties during US military operations are "a price that we have to pay" if the Taliban and al-Qaeda are to be defeated."

The envoy also said that Afghans would understand that mistakes by US forces would be made, as long as there was a full apology."

This is the definition of a puppet government. I want to see these guys go to any family in Afghanistan who have had a family member die and tell them that its ok because the US military apologized.

Not so terrorist...

""If helping the Palestinians is a crime, I officially admit to my crime … and if it is an accusation, we are proud of it. Everybody knows that this is not the first time Hezbollah has tried to furnish arms to the Palestinians," he [Nasrallah] said."

This is why arabs LOVE Hezbollah.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Stupid interest groups...

This story talks about the dog breeder who sold a puppy to the Bidden's. Apparently PETA had used this to try to force people into buying from shelters instead of breeders. This report says there were death threats against Bidden and the breeder just because of the sale. This proves one thing, PETA is a group of retards. To the people who left death threats, I have to ask, what's worse, buying a dog from a breeder or killing someone? I'm all for treating animals well, but at some point I think humans are more important. By the way, dogfighting should not be a felony and to all of these PETA's (that's my new word for them) who were protesting outside the court room at Micheal Vick's hearings, don't you think the man went through enough? He went to jail for something that didn't even involve humans solely because of your nagging and bitching. Don't you think there are more important issues? Like war victims and oppression of PEOPLE across the world? Again, I'm all for treating animals well, I have two pet cats at home that I love, but there is a line where we have to differentiate between animals and people and PETA's cross that line way too often.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Only when it comes to Islam...

What Obama fails to understand is that Muslims and/or Arabs are not mad because they think your at war with them. It's because of Americas unconditional love of Israel and American economic takeover of the Arab world. And, their support for repressive and useless regimes like Kings Stupid and Retard of Saudi Arabia and Jordan respectively (or interchangeably, doesn't really matter). This is all a lead in to my main point, why is it that every time a US president visits a predominantly Muslim country it becomes about that? I don't hear anything about Christianity when he visits France...why? This is not about religion, this is about politics and freedom. The sooner the US and Obama realize that the sooner the "Muslim/Arab world" (whatever that stupid phrase means, we are exactly the same as any other "world" just under oppression) will respect what any leader of the US says. And why would Obama encourage ties between Turkey and Armenia regardless of the past? Until Turkey admits the genocide (and YES, it was a GENOCIDE) they committed in Armenia, relations will never be great between the two countries. To Obama, please don't stick your nose into things you know nothing about, his remarks were a slap in the face to all Armenians who suffered at the hands of the Ottoman Empire.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Something I actually support...

"Barack Obama is set to outline his plans for a world free of nuclear weapons in a major speech."

I love this. The world has no need for nuclear weapons. First of all, it is completely unethical to use nuclear weapons in ANY circumstance (and that includes WWII) and also, as for deterrence. I think a hundred cruise missiles would be enough to deter a country or group from trying to develop or get nuclear weapons. There is no need for them, so why not get rid of them for good?