Monday, April 6, 2009

Only when it comes to Islam...

What Obama fails to understand is that Muslims and/or Arabs are not mad because they think your at war with them. It's because of Americas unconditional love of Israel and American economic takeover of the Arab world. And, their support for repressive and useless regimes like Kings Stupid and Retard of Saudi Arabia and Jordan respectively (or interchangeably, doesn't really matter). This is all a lead in to my main point, why is it that every time a US president visits a predominantly Muslim country it becomes about that? I don't hear anything about Christianity when he visits France...why? This is not about religion, this is about politics and freedom. The sooner the US and Obama realize that the sooner the "Muslim/Arab world" (whatever that stupid phrase means, we are exactly the same as any other "world" just under oppression) will respect what any leader of the US says. And why would Obama encourage ties between Turkey and Armenia regardless of the past? Until Turkey admits the genocide (and YES, it was a GENOCIDE) they committed in Armenia, relations will never be great between the two countries. To Obama, please don't stick your nose into things you know nothing about, his remarks were a slap in the face to all Armenians who suffered at the hands of the Ottoman Empire.

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