Friday, April 10, 2009

Stupid interest groups...

This story talks about the dog breeder who sold a puppy to the Bidden's. Apparently PETA had used this to try to force people into buying from shelters instead of breeders. This report says there were death threats against Bidden and the breeder just because of the sale. This proves one thing, PETA is a group of retards. To the people who left death threats, I have to ask, what's worse, buying a dog from a breeder or killing someone? I'm all for treating animals well, but at some point I think humans are more important. By the way, dogfighting should not be a felony and to all of these PETA's (that's my new word for them) who were protesting outside the court room at Micheal Vick's hearings, don't you think the man went through enough? He went to jail for something that didn't even involve humans solely because of your nagging and bitching. Don't you think there are more important issues? Like war victims and oppression of PEOPLE across the world? Again, I'm all for treating animals well, I have two pet cats at home that I love, but there is a line where we have to differentiate between animals and people and PETA's cross that line way too often.

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