Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Proof of one thing...

"Veteran Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter told colleagues Tuesday that he switched from the Republican to the Democratic Party, Sen. Harry Reid says."

What this proves is that our two party system is really a one party system. How could a long time republican all of a sudden become a democrat? Could you imagine a long time communist all of a sudden become a capitalist? In other countries, this is the distinction between one party and the other, which is why elections are so important and people bleed over them. Here, the choice is between tangerines and clementines. Both parties are right wing, but one is slightly less then the other. What has changed from the last administration to this one? Other then some housecleaning measures on torture (which is still going on in the Obama administration) and some funding for abortion? Foreign policy is the same and both parties believe in pumping money into a broken financial system to fix it (Not that some money shouldn't be poured in, but we need more regulation then anything else). This is a problem which was made by greed, if it goes unfixed, the US could have some major problems in the future.

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