Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I knew it

"Arab leaders have failed to agree on a specific mechanism to support reconstruction in Gaza following Israel's offensive there, despite vowing to provide Gazans with "all forms of support". Disagreements over how aid should be channeled to Palestinians blighted the Arab ministers' meeting, held on the sidelines of an Arab economic summit in Kuwait, on Tuesday."

I knew this would happen, under Israeli/American wishes, the Saudis and the Egyptians will not give the money to Hamas, the people who actually govern the Gaza strip. Instead, they would prefer to give it to fellow puppet Mahmoud Abbas who will simply pocket the money himself. I mean, Fatah doesn't even have a single representative in Gaza at the moment, and while Palestinian unity is needed now more then ever, as the current situation stands, Hamas are the only ones who can help the people of Gaza. The sooner the Arab governments realize this the sooner the people of Gaza can go back to living their normal lives.

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