Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inaugaration Fever

So I had class at noon today so I ended up watching the inauguration stuff on the Internet, I listened to Obama's speech and read the text as well. The problem is, I have nothing to report. He really did not give us much in his speech, except for an American history lesson and that nice delivery he has become famous for. These sorts of ceremony's have always been overrated, Bush should have just handed him the keys to the white house and that's it, no need for all the extra stuff that goes along with it. With that said, I expect now that Obama is officially the president, that there are going to be some big new pieces of legislation, like the economic stimulus, possibly a new bailout, use of the current bailout, a health care bill, and more. He has got to come out here with a bang in order to keep the people on his side. I am interested to see how long this honeymoon lasts...

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