Monday, January 19, 2009

NFL Playoffs III

Ok, so now that the conference finals are done, here's what we can say. First, I want to congratulate my Ravens on a great year, no one thought we would get this far, certainly I didn't. And we are now going out admirably. I am today proud to be a Ravens fan, and now we will hope (not pray because I am not religous) that Willis McGahee will fully recover and be able to play at the level he was able to before.

Now for the super bowl prediction: while the steelers have the number 1 defense and played great on Sunday, the Cardinals have the one thing that will bother the steelers on defense though: a deep ball. Kurt Warner and Larry Fitzgerald can go deep like no one else, and that is the only small little hole in the Steelers defense. On the other side of the ball however, the Steelers have the advantage because the Arizona defense is way to small, albeit fast, to handle the physical running game of the Steelers. All in All, while Big Ben might not have a good game, and the Cards offense will have its moments, but when its all said and done; I think the Steelers will win the super bowl (as much as it hurst me to say that) 28-21. Ben will make just enough palys to win and their running game will great, and their defense will do enough to compliment that running game.

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