Monday, January 19, 2009

who is going to save Gaza?

Makes me feel sick to see the suffering of the Palestinian families, their homes are destroyed and their businesses are gone. The people of Gaza have no one, the Arab governments turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the atrocities going on in their neighbors backyard. Every Arab regime deserves as much responsibility for allowing this to happen as Israel deserves. The worst part is that Palestine doesn't even have a government, or more importantly, an economy capable of making enough money to help these people. Hamas certainly have the kind of money needed to rebuild Gaza, and if we are leaving it to people like Mahmoud Abbas and Mohammad Dahlan to save Gaza, then we might as well throw in the towel.

The question is, who is going to save Gaza? Israel? Not a chance in hell. The US? EU? Again, not a chance; they are in love with Israel and won't stop for a second to see the suffering in Gaza. I mean, considering the rhetoric out of the Bush administration in the last few days of its life, I have to seriously wonder if they ever bothered to take a good look, a real look at what their policies have done. Do they see the suffering kids? Do they see the mothers crying? Do they even have a pulse? I am sick and tired of our fake democracy and total hypocrisy here in the US. We say we're for justice, and yet when an injustice is clearly being served half way across the world, we fail to do something about it. I guess we be live in justice when it serves us.

But anyways, who is going to save Gaza? the sad answer is no one. Just like every year since 1948 no one will be there for Gaza. The Saudi king said he wants to donate 1 billion dollars to rebuild Gaza. But I will guarantee you that money will never reach the people who need it. See, the Saudi King, under US wishes, will not give the money to the authority on the ground who can use it to help the people (Hamas), instead, they will give it to "the legitimate Palestinian authority" a.k.a. Mahmoud Abbas and Mohammad Dahlan. These are two of the most corrupt people in the world and they won't leave a drop of that money to rebuild the homes and lives of the people who lost them in this war. The saddest part of all is, that is exactly what the US and Israel want, and no one will care or try to stop it.

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